Cornwall Rural Community Charity (CRCC) is an organisation dedicated to supporting and strengthening Cornwall’s Communities to improve quality of life.

Our work falls in to three main categories: Rural & Coastal, Education & Training and Carers & Wellbeing.
Rural Transport in West Penwith - Findings & Insights
Over the past six months, CRCC conducted a comprehensive study to evaluate rural transport in West Penwith.
Backstage Tour – Making Dreams Come True
Our Learn Your Way students were invited to the Hall For Cornwall for a backstage tour and given the chance to perform on stage!
Visit our Student’s Christmas Market Stall
A group of our Learn Your Way students have created a business this Christmas as part of their community engagement – and to fund a wish list of activities!
Work Your Way at Gwel an Mor
Learn Your Way hosted a skills opportunity day to allow potential interns to determine whether the programme suits their strengths and aspirations.
Do you know your rights as a Carer?
This year’s Carers Rights Day theme is ‘recognise your rights’.
Change Makers Unlocking Sustainability
Our Clean Cornwall project hosted their autumn Change Maker event at The Bodmin Jail Hotel.