Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Conference - 6th June 23


Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board’s (CIoS SAB) annual conferences aim to raise awareness and support local agencies to develop practice related to safeguarding themes.

The 2022/23 annual conference theme is Carers and Safeguarding in Cornwall and will take place on Tuesday, 6th June as part of national safeguarding adult’s week and Carers Rights day. The event will be at the Atlantic Hotel in Newquay and they are hoping to livestream too so as many frontline professionals and volunteers can attend as possible.

Many of us will meet carers throughout our daily work or lives. With 1 in 5 adults in the UK now caring for a relative, close friend or neighbour, the importance of understanding the experience of carers is vital to the prevention of abuse and neglect of adults.

Recent Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic have highlighted some of the challenges and increasing pressure being faced by carers. These can often exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and risks for carers and the adults they care for and professionals have a key role in identifying carers, promoting their wellbeing and preventing harm by enabling them to access relevant support early on.

The conference will be bring together speakers, frontline practitioners and experts by experience from across Cornwall for our interactive conference that will explore:

  • Who is a carer and professionals’ roles in recognising informal and unpaid carers

  • Carers lived experiences and case studies

  • Professional’s roles in assessing carers and cared for adults needs, capacity, suitability and vulnerabilities

  • Support, tools and key messages for professionals

  • Our local offer and resources - the Carers Strategy and new Carers Service

  • Safeguarding and prevention – Learning from SARS and DHRs