Digital Together Digital Hubs Showcase


Last week our Digital Together team joined others from across Cornwall to learn and celebrate each other’s successes.

The event at Newquay Orchard brought together organisations that have set up digital hubs with support from Digital Together. Each group had the opportunity to present their projects to the audience followed by a workshop to understand how learning from the grants programme could be shared with other community groups looking to do something similar in their area.

Digital Together is a community asset-based approach to tackling digital exclusion that goes beyond providing access to skills training. By supporting communities to embed digital as a tool the project aims to help them achieve their aims towards building sustainable communities. We are funded by the United Shared Prosperity Fund, managed by the Good Growth Team at Cornwall Council. 

University of Plymouth has been working with community hubs to set up and support the delivery of 16 digital hubs and 16 creative digital projects through microgrants across Cornwall. The University has worked with communities to support and empower them to develop their own projects to tackle local place-based challenges.

A range of groups and projects attended the Showcase: “We’ve had a massive range of stories for the grant recipients today – from citizen science programmes using technology as a tool to collect data which then inform spaces like Newquay Orchard to think about biodiversity and adding more pollinators and insects … to projects engaging with older people and history groups bringing history to life’ Alex Carr, Research assistant for the Digital Together project.

Alex explained that there is a huge benefit to working directly with communities: “The real value and premise behind the work we have been doing this year is that communities know best what works for them, how their user groups use their community spaces, what values they have and how they can make things relevant and meaningful for the beneficiaries they have in their communities.” 

It was brilliant to see how the project has benefitted communities in so many ways: from helping individuals develop functional skills, confidence and problem-solving skills to bringing history to life and using technology to bring the outdoors to those who can’t access it.           

To find out more about our Digital Together project visit: