Fishing Animateurs win ‘Service Provider of the Year’
16.05. 2024
Last week our Fishing Animateur team ventured to Aberdeen to attend the Fishing News Awards, where they were nominated in the ‘Service Provider of the Year Category, and won!
The Fishing Animateur project were very thankful to have been put forward for the award and extremely happy to have won! The team had an amazing time at the awards evening in Aberdeen, especially meeting others from the industry, the atmosphere and the food.
Katherine Nissen, Chief Executive of the CRCC, said. “We are so pleased to be supporting our fishing communities, the work they do and help they offer”.
As the animateurs none of our work would be possible without the excellent relationships built between the team and the Grant Team at the MMO who do a great professional job in helping us and fishermen to access support. We would like to thank our funders, The Seafarers' Charity, The Fishmongers’ Company and Trinity House, who without their support none of our work would be possible.