Inclusion Matters
Information and advice to increase well-being and connection to your community.

Inclusion Matters aims to make it easier for all people of Cornwall aged 18+ to find out the information and advice they need to increase their well-being, stay healthy, get advice and increase their connection to their community.
Support after a hospital stay
Support to get back home. Our Hospital Discharge Team can support with an action plan, a holistic personalised assessment of need so that recovery and recuperation can go smoothly.
Specialist Support
Inclusion through our specialist support, we can help with things like fuel poverty, checking that someone is in receipt of benefits they are entitled to, employing a personal assistant, or getting back to work. Plus, 1:1 Inclusion planning support via our Community Coaches to help reduce loneliness and isolation, and supporting people to feel connected to their community, or linking them in with a Wellbeing Volunteer to support their journey.
Community Asset
Supporting grassroot community groups or individuals that provide a service that helps people within the community to improve their health and wellbeing, either by reducing social isolation or supporting people with a health/disability condition. We provide information, advice, guidance, and support with funding, marketing, training or other relevant need.
Get online
Supporting the first steps towards getting online, develop confidence and skills in order to gain all the benefits of digital technology.
Other Support
Any other support, advice, information, guidance, grants, or anything else we will see if we can help.
Wellbeing Volunteer Support
A Wellbeing Volunteer will be provided to support an individual according to their 1:1 Inclusion Plan. The aim will be to help reduce loneliness and isolation, connect them to their community, and to achieve their desired outcomes to improve their health and wellbeing.
Get Involved
There are a number of ways people can get involved with Inclusion Matters such as volunteering, assisting our Community Coaches or identifying a volunteer opportunity.
Helpline (Kernow Gateway)
The first port of call for people to find out about groups, activities and other opportunities. Our trained advisers will assist you to find out what’s going on in your area and signpost you for further support.
Cornwall Link
Cornwall Link is the website to find out what’s going on in Cornwall – from social groups to peer groups, walking groups to helping a group – there are lots of opportunities to explore. Community Groups and Organisations can also use the platform to share their activities and opportunities.
Email: inclusion@cornwallrcc.org.uk
Tel: 01872 266383
Download Referral Form
Inclusion Matters is a partnership between Cornwall Rural Community Charity, Age UK Cornwall & Isles of Scilly and the Digital Inclusion team.