Rural Transport

Help us map rural transport needs in West Penwith.

In West Penwith, public transport is often labelled as inadequate within rural communities, especially during off-peak seasons. Our project aims to understand these challenges better to inform future solutions.

We want to fully understand whether the issue is one that is perceived rather than real and what is preventing people from accessing services that are currently available. This research will act as an evidence base to look at sustainable practical solutions for rural transport in West Penwith.

What We’re Doing

We're delving deep into individual rural communities' needs within the West Penwith communities. By listening to locals and understanding their transport barriers, we aim to provide valuable insights for future initiatives.

We know that bus services are limited but we don’t know exactly where it is that people want to go and where or what time of day or evening they need to access different places. The aim of the project is therefore to build a detailed picture and build upon current research and available statistics.

Are you a West Penwith resident? Share your thoughts in our brief survey to help shape the future of rural transport. Your input matters, and will remain anonymous.

Why It Matters

Improved transport means better access to vital support, jobs, healthcare and activities. Our focus on community engagement ensures no one gets left behind.

Despite existing initiatives like lift share apps, electric vehicle hire, and charity transport solutions, rural community transport remains problematic. While some solutions have been introduced in certain areas, they haven't fully addressed daily transport challenges in rural regions.

Data and statistics alone are insufficient for meaningful solutions; deeper examination is needed. While there are various forms of public, private, and charity transport in rural communities, many find them impractical, resulting in under use and eventual service cuts.

Strong communities thrive on physical connections. Help us ensure no one is left disconnected. Join us in building a more accessible, resilient West Penwith.

Look out for our community meetings in your area soon and join the discussion to get your community more connected.

Rural Transport Data Retention and Privacy Policy

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cornwall Council has been chosen by Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly